Last Frost

Last Frost captures the haunting beauty of a frozen world. It reflects the crisp, dry air of a winter's day, when distant footsteps echo with surprising clarity, as sound travels further in the cold. In this icy stillness, the sharp cold bites at your skin, and your eyelashes and nose hairs are coated in frost—a frost that breaks as your skin shifts with every breath.

But this cold day is fleeting, soon to become a memory, as climate change makes such winters increasingly rare. Last Frost is not just a snapshot of one particular winter; it is a reflection on the frost of winters past—a time when icicles grew larger than a child and the world seemed quieter. In this piece, you can hear these frozen giants melting—a reminder of something monumental, beautiful, and, as we now know, finite. It is the memory of a last frost that occurred without our notice.